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The Circle of Courage
What began as a First Nations model of support designed for youth, is now THE model of support for all our programs and training.
The central theme of this model is that a set of shared values must exist in any community to create environments that ultimately benefit all. It is encompassed in four core values:
The universal longing for human bonds is cultivated by relationships of trust so that I can say, “I am loved.”
The inborn thirst for learning is cultivated; by learning to cope with the world, I can say, “I can succeed.”
Free will is cultivated by responsibility so that I can say, “I have the power to make decisions.”
Character is cultivated by concern for others so that I can say, “I have a purpose for my life.”
What does this model mean
for our team?
We Act As Mentors!
They treat supported individuals with a concern to build trust.
They recognize the pain beneath the problem.
They respond to needs rather than react to the crisis.
They approach difficult events as teaching moments.
They explore the logic and motives behind the behavior.
They discover strengths to enable successful coping.
They encourage supported individuals to take responsibility.
They identify specific ways to build strengths and supports.
They mend broken bonds through relationships of respect.
They restore Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity.

What does this model mean for the individuals we support.
They have wonderful opportunities to:
Find persons to trust who treat you with concern.
Express pain without causing problems for others.
Seek supportive adults and peers in times of crisis.
Turn difficult events into opportunities to grow.
Explore the thinking and goals behind your behavior.
Discover your potential to cope with difficulties.
Take responsibility for setting the course of your life.
Identify specific ways to build strength and support.
Mend broken bonds through relationships of respect.
Restore Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity.
Trauma-Informed Practice
What is a Trauma-Informed practice? If you remember, the first step in our care and an individual's journey is to find belonging, and that can’t happen if they do not feel safe.
Our team recognizes how common trauma is and how that can impact an individual's perspective and behavior. This means that we’re prepared to provide the support that creates a sense of belonging and safety for individuals that have experienced trauma.

Danelle Kilber, Behavioral Consultant
Trauma-informed practice is a framework that looks at trauma in terms of impact. Looking at the psychological, the physical, the emotional, the safety of anyone who has experienced trauma. And it's set up really for the person providing the support as well as for the person who's experienced the trauma.
If we walk into trauma with the presentation that everyone may have experienced trauma, we will be better prepared to understand the behaviours that sometimes come with anyone we support. It’s very diverse in what we need to provide. People need to have a real strong sense of control in their life and a high sense of safety in their life.