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Supported Living

Our supported living team’s mission is to encourage, value, and facilitate personal growth and belonging alongside people in the supported living program to foster their independence and healthy living.

Youth Supported Living

Youth Supported Living
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Youth Supported Living

Debra Chemrys, Program Support

Our homes are therapeutic. They're not group homes, they’re 2-bed resources. They're for youth who are perhaps transitioning out of foster care or are starting their semi-independent journey and just need some support. Each home is staffed 24/7 the staff in the homes act as mentors. They’re there to guide the kids. They’re there to listen. They’re there to build skills, to help problem solve, advocate, and help the kids reach their goals whatever they may be.

Youth Support Homes

Orca House

Discover the “song of your soul” through the path of least resistance... Bring creativity, joy, empowerment, and the ability to heal... improve communication and heighten intuition and perception for new learning...CALL on ORCA

This Two-bed resource provides a therapeutic approach for male youth who have a history of trauma; abuse and who may have disability issues; mental health issues; high-risk behaviour or behavioural issues.

Cardinal House

Looking to settle down; Improving your health; Learning to listen to your intuition ... CALL on CARDINAL

Cardinal House is a two-bed resource for female youth who have a history of trauma; abuse and who may have disability issues; mental health issues; or behavioral issues.

Keiko House

Your sadness is soon to be overcome with joy; your personal integrity will reach a height of respectability; you will have a smile for all who come your way; enjoy quiet time away from life’s work; bring the totem strength of the Orca ...  CALL on the power of KEIKO ...

Keiko house is a two-bed resource that provides a therapeutic approach for youth who have a history
of trauma; abuse and who may have developmental disability issues; behavioral issues.


Keiko house also has a separate one-bedroom apartment for youth who are transitioning to adulthood. Youth must meet the criteria for the Semi-Independent Living Program and attend a vocational or educational placement.

Chrysalis Apartment

Before emerging as a butterfly, a caterpillar goes through a sheltered stage of growth and vulnerability…. accept the changes in your life ... keep faith in transition … expand your being ... express yourself freely by moving from worry and anger to a beautiful state of mind … CALL on CHRYSALIS

Chrysalis apartment is a two-bed resource suitable for a sibling group of two or one youth who has high needs and a history of emotional trauma; disability issues; or mental health issues.

Macaw House

Healing powers of the sun… Shift in communication...Manage your feelings…Physical & emotional healing ... CALL ON MACAW

Macaw house is a two-bed resource for youth who have a history of trauma; abuse and who may have disability issues; mental health issues; or behavioral issues.

Dragon Fly.jpg
DragonFly Semi-Independent
Living Program

Bring through your own true colors with maturity ... Maintain a balance between thought and emotion with greater mental clarity and control ... Kick start the changes you know are necessary … CALL ON DRAGONFLY

DragonFly is a two-bed resource in an apartment attached to Macaw House. The residential program is well suited for youth that has “graduated” from group homes, residential or foster care placements, and who require additional support to make a successful transition to independent living situations. How-ever; this resource can also be used as a stand-alone option for high-needs youth who require a high level of supervision and support due to trauma-related behavioral issues.


All referrals for our Youth and Supported Living program will come through the Ministry for Children and Family Development Resource Social Worker. 

Adult Supported Living

Adult Supported Living
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Adult Supported Living

Danelle Kilber, Behavior Consultant

Our adult residential program or supported living program for individuals who have developmental disabilities really focuses on stabilization for the individuals who live in those programs. It helps people develop a sense of belonging, maintain the connections that are within their world, family, loved ones, the connections they have with the community, those social aspects.


Each and every individual or residential situation is very inclusive of the person, so every individual is going to have a different range or different set of needs and a different program that really follows them because no one person is the same.


Our Adult Support Homes

Ogham House

Time for New Beginnings and Renewal through Discipline, Control, and Perspective in Relationships … Face Transition and Consequence with Determination, Calmness, and Patience … Take Action for Achievement and Effective Communication with Assertion and Objectivity ... CALL on TREES ...

Ogham house is a two-unit home that offers a 24-hour live-in model with an attached apartment that offers supported independence for a second individual.

Mikasi House

When you encounter the coyote, it is a sign that you are about to experience changes. The coyote has appeared to help guide you … When the coyote is your spirit animal You will have a connection with the dream and spirit world … When you need to learn from your past mistakes ... CALL ON COYOTE ...

Mikasi house is a 4 unit 4-plex providing up to 7 beds for individuals who live and work in the community with minimal support.

O’Sheen House

Little Deer … Start a fresh perspective in a calm environment; be soft and gentle with yourself and others; show qualities of strength and determination; be sensitive and intuitive; trust those around you and feel safe in your environment ... CALL on DEER ...

O’Sheen house is a staffed home. This is a residential option that provides 3 units in a duplex to support adults who have a developmental disability and require overnight staff support and 24-hour support for daily living.

Sparrow House

Be vigilant in your goals; have a full and happy life by keeping busy … Be Creative in solving problems; calming down, and simplify when things are too hectic … Appreciate what is going well in your life; gather with good friends ... CALL on SPARROW ...

Sparrow House is a 6-plex providing 8 beds for supported living for women in a cluster model. Our staff provides on-site and community support for semi-independent living in a safe and supportive environment. The cluster model provides a community where friendships and participation in the community are encouraged.


All referrals will come through Community Living BC Analyst; supported individuals contribute to shelter and support costs.  

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